Let Her Run!

Zariel Macchia | wfsd.k12.ny.us

This week we had a big win for Suffolk sports fans when William Floyd track star Zariel Macchia won her appeal and will be able to compete. 

A court ruled in favor of Macchia this week which will allow the standout track star to run in the state indoor championships.

After being ruled ineligible because of a rule's violation Macchia appealed the ruling and Justice Christopher Modelewski sided with the young star. the Justice said from the bench that he did not believe Macchia knew she violated a rule while competing in an event last month. Macchia has said she has run in many of the same events as she did in Massachusetts. Modelewski also pointed to the fact that banning her from competing could cause irreparable harm. Macchia has Olympic dreams. 

Modelewski heard initial arguments on Wednesday but adjourned before his ruling on Thursday. The longstanding that Macchia unintentionally broke prohibits NYSPHSAA athletes from competing or practicing "with or against any individual or team representing a college" during a sport's season. Macchia would not have violated the rule if her opponents had run unaffiliated, but some ran for their future college teams. 

Macchia's lawyer argued that the NYSPHSAA has been inconsistent in enforcing the rule. Section 11 Executive Director Tom Combs testified that Macchia and her parents knew about the rule. He was unavailable for comment. 

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Let Her Run!

This week we had a big win for Suffolk sports fans when William Floyd track star Zariel Macchia won her appeal and will be able to compete.


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