The key to Democracy in America is the right of its citizens to vote. This bedrock principle is one of the chief reasons our nation has evolved into the global economic and military powerhouse it is today.
Unfortunately, New York City liberals are fighting tooth and nail to undermine this principle by allowing illegal immigrants to vote. This is the reason why they flooded our state with aliens despite the horrendous consequences. They want the votes, pure and simple, and damn the cost to our communities, health care infrastructure, public safety, schools, etc.
This charade is playing out in the Court of Appeals, where Republican challenges are being heard. The lower courts ruled in favor of providing this precious right only to citizens, and now it’s up to a group of Democrat appeals judges to decide. To anyone not motivated by Progressive politics, illegal immigrant voting is a terrible idea and clearly violates the New York State Constitution. Dragging this legal battle out further wastes taxpayer resources and is clear evidence advocates of this scheme have chosen partisan politics over sound electoral policy.
Allowing people who came into our country illegally under false pretenses to vote is an affront to the immigrants who have taken the critical step to formalize their citizenship, pledge their allegiance to the U.S., and commit to civic participation in our state and nation. Ignoring the Constitution diminishes our democratic republic and has no place in our democracy.
Case in Point: The potential for disruption becomes much greater when city elections allowing non-citizen voting are printed on the same ballots as state and federal races. Under these circumstances, votes from illegal immigrants in the city would overwhelm those in the rest of the state.
One-party Democrat rule has given us the highest taxes and fees in the nation. Our children and seniors cannot afford to live here. People are bailing out of our state in record numbers only to be replaced by illegal immigrants. Letting them vote will override the will of the citizens and make matters worse.
Being a citizen of the U.S. carries inherent meaning and value, and becoming an American is an incredible privilege. For those who want to become a legitimate part of our country, I offer my support and admiration. The pathway to gain citizenship is not always easy, but there are essential reasons for instituting formal requirements. Ignoring those requirements is both disrespectful and dangerous.
As a member of the state Assembly’s Republican Conference, I will continue to stand in opposition to any law that weakens our democracy. I truly hope the state Court of Appeals swiftly ends this waste of time, energy, and legal resources and strikes down this assault on U.S. election law once and for all. Anything less would be an insult to our state and our nation.