Hold Your Horses, Folks: What Trump’s Wind Energy Halt Means for Sunrise Wind

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The Trump administration’s monkey wrench of a “thwack” thrown dead-smack into the heart of wind energy comes after his predecessor Joe Biden gave a blind greenlight to many things green from the Northeast to Idaho, and everywhere beneath and in between. 

President Trump himself signed the temporarily binding executive order as he reclaimed office on Monday, Jan. 20th. The order pauses offshore wind lease sales in federal waters and the issuance of related approvals, permits and loans.

The 45th, and now 47th US Commander-in-Chief instead vows to increase drilling for oil and gas as an alternative, putting a massive thorn in renewable energy’s pleas for more chances at making headway. 

During his confirmation, incoming interior secretary Doug Burgum stated that proven successes in the offshore wind lease department will continue in a grandfathered-in-by-law capacity, so to speak, but that mass assessment of additional projects within this realm is in order.

As stated in the temporary order to be expanded upon at a later date, this review will consider the environmental impact of wind projects on wildlife and the economic costs that a reliance on intermittently spawned electricity entails. The effect of subsidies on the viability of the wind industry will also be subject to critical consideration. 

Wind Power provides about 10.1% of the electricity generated in the US, according to cleanpower.org. 

Whereas the Biden administration sought to redeem offshore wind in bulk as a climate change solution, Trump seeks to boost production of fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal. His concerns here primarily lie with the U.S. having the lowest-cost energy far before the end of his final term. 

 Per reports, The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) —tasked to oversee all offshore wind contracts—said it was "carefully reviewing" the Trump order. It’s “too soon” to determine if New York projects will be impacted, so says NYSERDA. 

On the local front, the company Orsted said on Tuesday its land-based cable intended for Sunrise Wind in Brookhaven Town is still a go—but with some expected complications. 

Another large impairment charge is imminent, to the tune of $1.7 billion, due to delays and overages at play with regard to Sunrise Wind and other projects.

As their website reads, Orsted is “a clean energy company whose renewable wind, solar, battery, and hydrogen projects create jobs, support communities, and conserve nature.”

The Orsted-financed Sunrise Wind has mid-2027 circled in their calendars, should the turbines evade further federal interference. 

This puts the completion of the project a full year behind its previously announced schedule.

In a statement announcing the “very disappointing” delays to the Smith Point and Suffolk County Park-involved efforts, Orsted CEO Mads Nipper assured that the company remains “committed to the US market in the long term…” 

Nipper continued, confirming they (he and Orsted) are “working diligently and in close collaboration with our suppliers to manage the remaining risks impacting the construction of Sunrise Wind." 

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Hold Your Horses, Folks: What Trump’s Wind Energy Halt Means for Sunrise Wind

The Trump administration’s monkey wrench of a “thwack” thrown dead-smack into the heart of wind energy comes after his predecessor Joe Biden gave a blind greenlight to many things green from the Northeast to Idaho, and everywhere beneath and in between.


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