Suffolk Courts Celebrate 95-year-old Justice, the Hon. Betty Weinberg Ellerin

Judge Ellerin and DAJ Crecca | Office of the District Administrative Judge

In conjunction with Women’s History Month, the Suffolk County Courts held a special event on Thursday, March 20 t to commemorate Hon. Betty Weinberg Ellerin and more at the Marquette L. Floyd Supreme Building of John P. Cohalan, Jr.’s Court Complex in Central Islip. 

The assigned theme for the Suffolk County Women in the Courts Committee-sponsored occasion: “Moving Forward Together! Women Educating and Inspiring Generations.” 

District Administrative Judge Hon. Andrew A. Crecca presided before introducing the woman of the hour.

“Today, we honor women from all backgrounds and all fields who dedicate their lives to education,  mentorship, and leadership,” Crecca said before bringing on the night’s keynote speaker. “Whether  looking throughout history or right here in our courtroom today, trailblazing women have worked  tirelessly to build bridges, nurture minds, set forth new trails, inspire action, and shape a more inclusive  society.” 

Judge Ellerin, a retired Justice of the Supreme Court’s Appelate Division for the First Department in New York City, championed women’s rights at each stopgap throughout a remarkable legal career. She graduated from NYU in 1952, and was first elected as a Justice of the New York Supreme Court in 1979. 

In 1982, she was appointed the first woman to serve as Deputy Chief. In 1985, Governor Mario Cuomo appointed her as the first female jurist to serve on the Associate Justice of the Appellate Division, First Department bench. 

Lastly, Governor George Pataki later appointed Ellerin the first woman to be Presiding Justice of the Appellate Division, First Department, a post she held until her 2005 retirement. 

“Suffolk County has always had a very soft spot in my heart,” the esteemed 95-year-old justice spoke to the roaring and applause-ready masses. “You  have had so many judges who are very sympathetic to the issues that are so important to me: the  recognition of equality for women in opportunities within the court system. Clearly, Suffolk County leads  the pack.” 

Ellerin recalled that back in the day, only one position could be made open for a woman, if that. “Back then, we all fought each other really hard for that one spot,” she said. “But today, we ensure that there are an equal amount of positions available to all qualified  women, and now we all fight together to safeguard our placement in those spots.”

The Connetquot High School Treble Choir, who sang the National Anthem during the top of the festivities, closed the ceremony with a beautiful rendition of “Let the River Run.”

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