Every March 13th since 2021 has been ‘K9 Veterans Day’ in Suffolk County. And, President Donald Trump recognized this important K9 day from the White House
President Trump said, “I join our Nation in celebrating and honoring the important job performed each day by America’s dedicated working dogs who support our military. Military dogs have a storied history of assisting the world’s greatest fighting force in carrying out their missions.”
Suffolk Country Legislature passed a resolution in 2021 making K9 Veterans Day a permanent celebration on Suffolk County’s calendar saying, “Since first becoming part of the military service these dogs have worked daily with their handlers to serve and protect Americans and the homeland.”
Established in 1942, the K-9 Corps is a critical part of our Armed Forces. Since its founding, more than 30,000 dogs have served in America’s military, with approximately 2,500 active Military Working Dogs (MWDs) currently helping to defend our freedom.
Dogs use their unique abilities to perform a variety of critical functions that help reduce the dangers posed to men and women in uniform. They carry messages, lay telegraph wire, detect explosives, and act as guard and patrol dogs.
Trump’s statement highlighted the role of war dogs in fighting terrorists. “Just recently our Nation witnessed the power and might of these remarkable K-9s. Conan, a military working dog from 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta, played a key role in eliminating Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi—the world’s number one terrorist leader. Conan chased the terrorist into a dead-end tunnel where trapped, he met his rightful demise.”
Upcoming Suffolk County Veteran Runs and Walks you can participate in with family, friends, and your dog include: Dog Tag Run 2.2 Mile on Sunday June 8 raising awareness for Veteran suicide, America’s VetDogs 5K on Saturday September 27, and Paws of War Run/Walk on Saturday November 1.
Check the websites for registration info on these veteran runs/walks. Follow the Suffolk County Veterans Run Series Facebook page for updates and more information as races and walks are added.