New York’s Senate and Assembly have both introduced bills (S1049/A5478) that would use your tax dollars to pay for transgender surgeries for prisoners.
Sen. Julia Salazar (D-Brooklyn) and Assemblywoman Emily Gallagher (D-Williamsburg) introduced the ‘Gender Identity Respect, Dignity and Safety Act’ that would require prisons across the state to not only accept male prisoners who believe they are women into women’s prisons but require taxpayers to foot the bill for trans-prisoner hormones and surgical procedures.
“Once again the Democratic Majority has come up with legislation that is not only devoid of common sense, it runs completely contrary to the expressed wishes of New Yorkers,” said New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerry Kassar.
The bill description states, “Currently, there are no statutory standards in New York State and local county correctional facilities requiring the placement and treatment of incarcerated transgender, gender nonconforming, intersex, and non-binary individuals in a manner that aligns with their gender identity.” New York wants to change that.
Versions of these bills have been introduced going back to 2021. Salazar and Gallagher hope to seal the deal in this legislative session.
The bill language speaks for itself. It would require correctional officers (COs) to use the ‘correct’ “pronouns, ensure they have the right to be searched by correctional officers or staff members aligned with their gender identity, have access to commissary items, clothing, personal property, and programming and educational materials consistent with gender identity, and receive affirming medical and mental health care.”
“They live in an alternative universe. Not just Salazar and Gallagher, but the people they purport to be helping are living a lie as well. To put that burden on the taxpayers is just ridiculous,” said Assemblyman Michael Fitzpatrick (R,C,I-Smithtown). “This is why New York is the laughing stock that it is. California and New York progressives fall for this stuff. They live in a world where fantasy is reality, where nonsense is taken seriously.”
Fitzpatrick says this is, “Why New York and California are not taken seriously as governable states. Their policies will get people hurt – both prisoner and correction officer alike.”
Oddly, under the “Fiscal Implications” section of the bill it says “none”. This, despite the fact that transgender surgery can be as high as $200-300,000. This does not include the cost of procedures such as facial feminization surgery or the lifetime of hormones needed to maintain a female appearance.
The issue is not just one of misuse of taxpayer dollars but is a serious safety concern for women prisoners who are just trying to do their time.
California enacted similar legislation that led to the rapes of female prisoners by intact males who believe they are women being housed with them. Pregnancies have also resulted from these attacks.
In June of last year in California, a six-foot-tall, 220-pound biological male, was charged with two counts of rape and one count of dissuading a witness from testifying after transferring from a men’s prison to a women’s prison.
One 2024 government study in England showed that 181 of the 244 transgender inmates, more than 74%, are in jail for crimes including rape, forcing under-age children into having sex, grievous bodily harm and robbery. New York wants to put this population into prisons with women.
“These bills are an assault on decency, women's safety and common sense. Americans have lost patience for the woke mob that would let delusional male convicts play dress-up so they can prey on vulnerable female inmates. Kill these bills before they turn our prisons into taxpayer-funded freak shows,” said David Lasko spokesperson for the NYS Republican Party.
“As if we don’t have enough problems in our prisons, we now have legislators who want to allow men in women’s facilities,” said Assemblyman Joseph DeStefano (R,C-Medford). “Worse yet, they want to use taxpayer money to give them sex change operations. This goes to show you how ridiculous the policies of the Progressive Democrats have become.”