NYS Conservative Convention: Election Victories Being Too Big to Rig Shouldn’t be a Thing

Brianna Lyman, Elections Correspondent for The Federalist | Deborah Williams

Elections should not have to be “Too big to rig” as President Donald Trump said while he was running for president. Brianna Lyman, Elections Correspondent, The Federalist echoed this sentiment during her talk at the NYS Conservative Party Annual conference this week in Albany.

Lyman spoke about election rigging and the mainstream media and their role in influencing what people see, hear, and ultimately think. 

“Election rigging can happen at the ballot box, during registration cheating, during ballot counting, and harvesting irregularities. Election manipulation through the media is another huge issue. People vote based on what they think they know so where they get their information matters,” Lyman said. “What we have seen over the past four years is that our media has gone from supposed truth-seeking journalists to propagandists for the Democratic Party.”

Lyman spoke about how there was a time when a time “truth-seeking journalists held the government accountable” regardless of party. They asked tough questions and demanded answers. 

“Now, we have Democratic spokesperson's masquerading as journalists, and expecting the American public to be okay with that. This includes Republicans who willingly go on all of these left-wing networks and take the most ridiculous gotcha questions. You do not have to answer to propaganda press, you do not have to explain common sense, moderate positions to the propaganda press.”

Some of those common sense positions and observations that Republicans and Conservatives were pilloried for say out loud were “that President Joe Biden should not have remained in office up until January 20th and the reason he did is because the media was interfering in the election by working in concert to hide the President’s condition,” Lyman said. “We all saw Joe Biden freezing on stage meeting, or being led by Obama, we saw Joe Biden falling both up and down the stairs, or having trouble forming understandable sentences.” 

It was sad and horrifying to know “that's our president right there”. Lyman emphasized that, “Unfortunately if you said what you saw out loud, as a conservative, you were smeared, you were maligned, and your character was defamed, I would know that because I work for the conservative media and I've been called a right-wing conspiracy theorist for a good 10 months.”

Everyone saw, and many knew for a long time, that President Biden no longer had the capacity to already be president, let alone run for office again but there was a party wide and media wide effort to keep it hidden form the public. There was an effort to fool the voters. And, it nearly worked. If the now infamous debate had gone just a bit more smoothly, they may have gotten away with it.

Lyman went on to recount how when VP Kamala Harris was anointed, the media then went out of their way to pave the way for her. No hard policy interviews, no real demands that she even give interviews. And, if you did criticize, well Lyman said, “You were a racist or a misogynist.”

After everything was over and Trump won, Lyman spoke about  how finally the veil started to lift and both the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times “wrote about how the White House and Democrat aides work to conceal Biden's cognitive and visible decline, they limited Biden's interactions with members of his own party, in fact, members of his cabinet.” These are things that should have never happened. The voters deserved to know what was going on with the President’s condition.

Lyman mocked these media outlets more than a little bit for being interested in exposing all of this so late in the game. “Wow, that is excellent journalism, four years too late. Do you see yourself?”

“Look, you expect the Democrats not to care, they want their person to win, right? That's unsurprising, but a functioning media should care about these things. We should all care that the media is so involved in our lives and we should be able to trust them just a little.” Mainstream media uses the public airwaves and acting as a communications arm of one party or another is just not okay.

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NYS Conservative Convention: Election Victories Being Too Big to Rig Shouldn’t be a Thing

Elections should not have to be “Too big to rig” as President Donald Trump said while he was running for president. Brianna Lyman, Elections Correspondent, The Federalist echoed this sentiment during her talk at the NYS Conservative Party Annual conference this week in Albany.

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