The Governor’s Bloated Budget

Assemblyman Joe DeStefano | @assemblymandestefano Facebook

Anyone hoping that the governor will cut spending and give the taxpayers a break will be sorely disappointed by her $252 billion spending plan, a bloated budget that’s $19 billion more than last year. 

Think about that: $19 billion is 19,000 millions—what makes Kathy Hochul think the taxpayers can afford this? But it gets worse. As is their custom, her Democrat colleagues in the legislature will lard up the budget even further, helping themselves to money that doesn’t do anything to improve our lives. 

Adding insult to injury, the governor wants to give back a measly $300 to taxpayers in the form of a check and then do it again when she runs for reelection next year to buy votes. The scheme will cost millions just to process the checks, a colossal waste that shows what the one-party system in Albany thinks of the hard-working men and women they squeeze like blood from a stone. Instead of these pittances, how about cutting spending and taxes and fees that make our state the most expensive in the nation?

Have we had enough yet? Plenty of people have. They’re voting with their feet and are bailing out of the Vampire State in record numbers—the most of any state, in fact. Those of us left to pick up the tab should not give up exposing this tax-and-spend political class. Everyone needs to wake up to what’s going on here. The Democrats are spending us into oblivion, and we have to rage against them. 

And it’s going to get worse. Their green energy plan will cost us a fortune and cripple the economic growth needed to come even close to covering the out-of-control spending. They want to take away your gas heating systems, barbecues, and stoves, make you buy expensive electric cars, and wipe out our schools and fire departments by making them switch to extremely expensive electric buses and fire trucks. 

This all sounds like some sort of twisted joke, but it’s not. Our once great state is going down the drain because the left-wing Progressives think they can get away with anything. 

Florida, which has more people, spends half on government than New York, and they don’t have an income tax. While pensioners and middle-class earners are heading south, the Democrats plan to replace them with low-skilled illegal immigrants, a political class they can buy off with our money. We can’t let this go on. 

Fortunately, the people still have a voice and they have the power to change things. Please stay on top of these issues. Don’t bury your head in the sand, thinking it will all go away. New Yorkers deserve a safe and affordable place to live and raise a family, a seemingly outdated concept the Democrats are hell-bent on destroying.

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The Governor’s Bloated Budget

Anyone hoping that the governor will cut spending and give the taxpayers a break will be sorely disappointed by her $252 billion spending plan, a bloated budget that’s $19 billion more than last year.