In late October, Moriches Elementary School hosted its 45th annual "Great Pumpkin" contest. This tradition began in 1978, initiated by former art teachers Linda Tucci and Susan Safranek. The event invites students and their families to carve pumpkins into any design they choose, with the creations judged on creativity, originality, and craftsmanship by faculty and staff.
This year's contest was organized by art teacher Amanda Maertz and saw over 90 entries. Despite the many unique designs, only three winners were selected along with three honorable mentions.
The first place was awarded to Iker Cedeno for "Carousel," second place went to Colby Delboy for "Groot," and third place was given to Grayson Weiss for "Spookhouse Cinema." Honorable mentions included Londyn Fulford's "Monopoly Man," Jackson Merrick's "Dunkin’ Donuts," and Caleb Gerry's "Globe."
Each winner received a special prize for their efforts. Congratulations were extended to all participants for contributing to another enjoyable competition.