Bellport High School

Bellport High School 2024 Graduation | File Photo

2024 Graduating Class List

Samantha DeLillo | Valedictorian

Jordan Truce | Salutatorian

Shane Abrams

Ethan Ag+uilar-Perez

Marcine Allen-Boutwell

Andrew Allocca

Marcelo Alvarado

Andy Amaya

Evelin Amaya Castro

Ethan Amendola

Ana Arevalo

Eduardo Argueta Gonzalez

Danny Arias Rivera

Asia Arrindell

Jacob Aruta

Javier Avecillas

Angeles Avecillas Rodriguez

Joseph Baez

Jesse Barbecho

Alexander Barranco

Bridget Barry

Katherin Barzallo

Ciro Basil

Cayden Berlemon

Daniel Boehmke

John Bolger

Sandra Borjas Garcia

William Brewster IV

Kenneth Brister

James Brunning

Madeline Budris

Alexander Buestan

Jessica Buestan

James Butler IV

Kayla Button

Justin Calero

Johana Cando

Claire Cannella

Dennys Cardenas

Jennifer Carias

Genesis Casco Rodriguez

Daianara Casual Sumba

Shaniah Chavez

Anthony Ciambra

Kailyn Ciavatta

Tatum Cipp

Gabrielle Collins

Alisha Contreras

MacKenzie Cover

Mykel Craig

Juliette Cuccurese

Jaime Daggett

Justin DeCorato

Evan Dedis

Samantha DeLillo

Karyn Devine

Jordyn DiRusso

Eldjima Djandabri-Holt

Malik Dorto

Sam Dotterman

Logan Edwards

Harrison Epstein

Kaden Ernst

Nathan Ernst

Ann-Christie Estor

Jonathan Estor

Erin Fagan

Parker Fahner

Ava Fauci

Olivia Fauci

Francis Felice

Chloee Fernandez

Shanel Fernandez

John Flanagan

Nicholas Fortunato

Julia Fuentes

Damian Funes

Eva Gallo

Giulia Gannon

Enma Garcia

Gisselle Garcia Lopez

Jake Garramone

Tobias Garzon Castro

Ryan Gaynor

Tyler Gentile

Franklyn Gomez

Kimberly Gonzales Valladares

Julianna Gonzalez

Kole Gorden

Louisa Gordon

Kaylee Graham

Eris Granados Euceda

Jacqueline Granados-Bonilla

Izaiah Green

Derek Griffin

Stephanie Grosso

Melvin Guallpa Guncay

Brandon Guardado Gonzalez

Genesis Guartazaca Lozano

Cristopher Guevara

William Guevara Arriaza

Carla Guevara Santos

Amber Guiffreda

John Hanley Jr

Ka-raisha Harris

Imani Harrison

Brady Hauptman

Kevin Hawaldar

Maurice Hawkins

Penelope Henao

Brianna Henn

Arthur Henry

Johnathan Hernandez

Andrew Hernandez Guzman

Caleb Hester

Tyler Hoeffner

Sha'Niyia Hollman

Dylan Horn

Khayyam Hossain

Alexander Howard

Ayaunia Humphrey

Amira Hussein

Jaiden Jackson

Kaitli Jara

Kamil Javaid

Thelysha Jean-Baptiste

Brynn Johnsen

Talisha Johnson

Mya Jones

David Kaiser

Brianna Kite

Dylan Knakal

Lexie Kollar

Julia Kotasek

Brendan Krulder

Emma Kuegel

Cassandra La Monica

Sean Lannon

Daniel Lewkowski

Raymond Li

Steven Linares

Mackenzie Linke

Raquel Lituma

Taylor LiVigni

Adonis Lopez

Edison Lopez

Liliana Lopez-Benavidez

Stephen Lupo

Taylor Macioce

Diana Malchiodi

Felipe Maldonado

Jesus Maldonado

Genesis Maldonado Tapia

Ryan Manitta

Sophia Manna

Sude Maris

Catherine Masem

German Mateo Lopez

Angeles Matute Zhicay

Yonela Medina

Breanna Mejia

Jeraldi Mejia

Mariela Mendoza

Abel Mendoza Hernandez

Eirini Michaels Hrysanthopoulos

Gael Michel

Mackenzie Midgett

Roly Molina Iniguez

Yahira Moncada-Garcia

Shane Moody

Ryan Morales

Keshawnna Morrison

William Muench

Connor Murphy

James Myers

Byron Naula Ruiz

Alana Negron

Michael Nesi

Michael Nugra

Jaidyn O'Neill

Tyler Ocasio

Leah Ofori

Folashade Olabode

Ja'hden Oldums

Dean Omelchuk

Vincent Paolella

Avery Pappas

Raj Patel

Alexander Pauletti

Andie Pedatella

Katherinne Perez Mendoza

Stephany Perez Vera

Rachel Petri

Rebecca Pino

Aarilin Pitre

Jake Polito

Lily Porfert

Jack Porter

Marshall Porter

Kenneth Price

Abbey Py

Rondelle Ramdeen

Diamond Ray

Bryelle Reid

Nicholas Reinoso

David Reyes

Emily Reyes

Isaiah Ricketts

Jorge Riera

Raymond Ringgold Jr

Arnysia Rivera

Emily Robbins

Iesha Rodney

Matthew Rodriguez

Yack Rodriguez Centeno

Connor Rosario

Kaylin Roth

Ava Rountree

Faith Rubio

Caden Rupolo

Christian Saladino

Jesse Salinas Jr.

Dennis Salmeron

Josiah Salomon

Jovhan Salomon

Angelo Sanchez Marquez

Anthony Santana

Alvin Santiago

Benjamin Santiago

Juliana Sarmiento

Kevin Sarmiento Naichap

Dearius Scales

Kaelyn Schmidt

Kierstynn Schoening

Lola Schortemeyer

Benjamin Schuierer

Christopher Schulz

Diego Serrano Chavez

Ana Sicha Lopez

Jack Siford

Autumn Simon

Daniel Slawinski

Derek Smith Jr.

Juliana Smith

Malachi Smith

Matthew Smolen

Anthony Sookdarry

Stephanie Sorto

Evelyn Soto

Sanai Springer

Sebastien St. Juste

Joseph Starpoli

Ella Steckle

Brian Suarez

Damaris Sumba Lliguin

Marvin Swann

Andres Tacuri

Jordy Tacuri

Jean Tambo Molina

Jake Tappin-Coleman

Grant Taylor

Jackson Tebaldi

Nevaeh Tena

Veronica Teran Ortiz

Caleb Terry

Jordan Teuschler

Morgan Thompson

Amaya Torres

Jordan Truce

Kamani Tucker

Kevin Uceda

Cristobal Ulloa

Danna Ulloa Sanchez

Nairee Urquia

Jennifer Valdez

Rileigh Vandekieft

Angelisse Vargas

Juan Velasquez Mata

Ryan Vertichio

Kelly Villanueva

Joshua Vintimilla Jaramillo

Liam Vizcaino Figueroa

James Vohrer

Logan Vormittag

Shyla Walthers

Sarieah Watkins

Caleb White

James Wilkinson

Kyle Williams

Skyla Williams

Makayla Willis

Connor Wilson

Aidan Winn

Kathryn Wood

Justice Wright

Katelyn Wright

Max Yablon

Usman Zahid

Aidan Zemach

Karli Berchtold

Michael Cameron

Cincere Gaddis

Miranda Gonzalez

Ana Hernandez

Autumn Kenny

Isaiah Luxama

Oscar Rodriguez

Nicholas Savino

Haniif Summers

L'Jaya Taylor

Steven Tigre

Madison Vandervoort

Justice Wolff

Valedictorian Samantha DeLillo

Samantha DeLillo File Photo
Samantha DeLillo is bright, diligent, and compassionate. She is the epitome of a well-rounded student exceeding expectations academically and in her extracurricular activities. Samantha gives her full effort to everything she participates in and she is deeply committed to serving her community and helping others.

Academically, Samantha’s transcript speaks for itself. She will be graduating with a weighted average of 104.98 and she has taken 14 AP level classes as well as pre-AP and honors courses in her time at Bellport High School. She has maximized her academic experience with the most challenging coursework available. Beyond those impressive stats, Samantha is also the recipient of the AP Scholar with Distinction and the AP Capstone Diploma. She is also a member of the National Honor Society, Math Honor Society, Science Honor Society, and the Tri-M Honor Society. Samantha’s stellar accolades are a reflection of her commitment to excellence.

Samantha has a tremendous ability to balance a full plate of activities. She is an avid dancer who commits herself to hours of practice every week with the Stage Door School of Dance. Samantha also supports younger dancers as well as dancers with special needs by participating in an apprenticeship program to help the students prepare for recitals and performances. At Bellport High School, she participates in a multitude of clubs including: Clarinet Choir, Jazz Band, SEQ, Interact, and Future Teachers of America where she serves as president. Samantha also took part in Unified Basketball program helping to celebrate and support students with different abilities and needs in our school community.

Leadership has been a key component of Samantha’s high school years; she has dedicated her time to the Student Council as a representative and is currently the president of the Class of 2024. In her time at Bellport High School, she has made an undeniable impact. Samantha will continue to pursue academic excellence and serve her community as she moves on to the next step of her education at Vanderbilt University. She will pursue a degree in Secondary Education with a specialization in Special Education.

Salutatorian Jordan Truce

Jordan Truce File Photo
Jordan Truce currently holds the second rank in her graduating class, giving her the honor of Salutatorian. Jordan has an overall weighted grade point average of 104.252. Her academic excellence has awarded her the honor of earning the AP Capstone Diploma, AP Scholar with Distinction, and an Advanced Regents Diploma with Honors, and Mastery in both Math and Science. Additionally, she is an active member of the National Honor Society, Tri-M Honor Society, Science Honor Society and Secretary of the Math Honor Society.

Jordan is a talented, philanthropic, and kind young woman of outstanding character and a diligent work ethic. Outside of the classroom, Jordan is heavily involved in our music program. She is a member of our Chamber Choir and has performed at NYSSMA each year, earning a score of 98, 93 and 95 respectively on her solos. Jordan actively volunteers in the community through helping to coordinate food drives, creating Valentine’s Day cards for elementary students, picking up garbage in an effort to clean up her neighborhood, helping during Bellport’s annual tree lighting ceremony and Christmas caroling at firehouses, nursing homes and other organizations. Additionally, she volunteers in the filing office at the Suffolk County Department of Heath’s Human Resources Office.

She is a member of our Culinary Club and Future Teachers of America for which she holds the leadership title of Vice President. In the fall, Jordan will attend the University of Florida where she plans to study Political Science.

South Shore Press
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