Eastport-South Manor Junior-Senior High School

Eastport-South Manor Junior-Senior High School 2024 Graduation | File Photo

2024 Graduating Class List

Ryan Lee | Valedictorian

Layla Warsaw | Salutatorian

Bassem Abdelsamih

Jake Ahern

Cole Patrick Alaimo

Cade Michael Albert

Sean Robert Antonucci

Luke F. Archambault

Brian Patrick Arvidsson

Juliana Grace Baldino

Amanda Dussol Balsamo

Gabriel Raphael Balsamo

Jena Lynne Balzano

Alexander William Bancroft

Tiffany T. Barrett

Jaclyn Suzanne Bartholomew

Juan Daniel Basurto Leal

Andrew James Beardsley

Michael Robert Benfante

Sadie Grace Berkhout

Dylan J. Biscardi

Ariana S. Blackwood

Anastasiia Bodnariuk

Madison Marie Bodon

Matthew John Boffoli Jr.

Matthew Jacob Bollhofer

Jared Ryan Botts

Christopher Anthony Bruno

Henry Jacob Bukowski

McKenna Alexa Burchill

Brody Liam Burke

Brooke Elizabeth Burkhardt

Grant Leonard Burns

Gianna Marie Cacciato

Nicholas Patrick Cain

Jessica Calcaterra

Luigi Camparim-Farias

Isabella Rose Capozzi

Riley Quinn Carlson

Abigail Jeanette Castanedo

Joseph Angelo Castoro

Kaileigh Catalano

Elijiah Andrew Cater

Alivia Cerase

Natalie Rose Church

John Joseph Coffey

Christian Anthony Cohan

Emma Adeline Cohen

Nicholas Joseph Colavito

Grace Noreen Collins

Isabella Alexis Colon

Jack Lawrence Condon

Sean Edward Connelly

Alyssa Grace Correale

Carter Saverio Cosentino

Arrianna Jade Cotignola

Sean Patrick Crowley

Eduardo Sebastian Cuscul

Angelina Pearl Dakis

Gianna Alicia D'Alessandro

Anthony D'Anna

Joseph James Davies

Amaya Denise Davis

Landon Paul Davis

Ryan de Blasi

Olivia Grace DeMasco

Alexandra M. Dennehy

Lexi Nicole DeRose

Destiny Liana Diaz

Jenna Rose DiGangi

Stephen Matthew DiLeone

Jonathan Charles DiMarco

Mercedes Amalia Dinarte-Soto

Daniella Christine Dolce

Dana Doherty

Keira Alexandra Douglas

Megan Elizabeth Dunn

Corinne Doran Edele

Jordan Avery Ellis

Byron Jose Espana

Thomas J. Fabian

Sarah Margaret Fabricatore

Cooper Eamon Fahey

Alexis Maria Falek

Alexandra Theresa Fay

Jose Angel Febo

Marvin Alexander Fernandez Vazquez

Sofia Rose Ferrara

Natalie Rose Fierro

Mikayla Emma Filetto

Alexa Skye Flood

Lucas Leontijus Flore

Sydney Eliza Flores

Hunter James Force

Mikayla Shylah Francis

Zachary R. Froberg

Tania Yessenia Funes Rodriguez

Kevin Galeano

Anna Helena Gansrow

Owen Robert Gansrow

Cameron Joseph Garcia

Julianna Marie Gargiulo

Daniel Robert Geniti

Antonino Michael Genna

Tyler Richard Gennaro

Brooke Elizabeth Gerold

Daniel Joshua Gershonowitz

Robert Joseph Gmelch

Annabelle Lores Godzieba

Kyle Daniel Godzki

Gabriella Golio

Christian Michael Gonzalez

Kaylee Shea Goss

Hailey Morgan Grieco

Kyle Thomas Grossi

Seleme Reyyan Gulbahce

Henry Jonathan Guzman

Brandon Robert Haff

Jack A. Hanley

Leah Adelina Harling

Melijah Lee Harris

Sienna Grace Harrison

Justin Von Helbig

Amaya Rose Hernandez

Kamil Holub

Evan P. Hopkins

Ethan Darren Horn

Jayna Lynn Huertas

Alyssa Noelle Hurd

Sarah Ashlyn Idler

Antonio M. Ippolito

Rebecca Merve Isbitiren

Joshua Jacob Issac

John Alfredo Izzo

Ryan Michael Jannotta

Haley Lynne Johann

Cole Hunter Johnson

Caelan Juliano

Samantha Taylor Jurgensen

Alexander Themistokles Kapopoulos

Brooke Lynn Keitel

Baran Kerim Kilic

Nisa Kilic

Charles Gregory Knief

Grace Marie Kral

Morgan Elizabeth Lally

Ashley Rose Langdon

Bianca Taylor Margaret Latkovich

Gianna Marie Lawlor

Ryan Lee

Emma Legault

Samantha Marie Lever

Alexa K. Loben

Caylin Luciano

Isabella Mack

Mikayla Beth Marrone

Grace Rebecca Martin-Tsoupas

Joseph Russell Martini

Jason McCarthy

Kyle Michael McClure

Emma Kathleen McDonald

Hayden James McGarry

Caitlin Rae McGovern

Drew McGowan

Tyler McKay

Emma Mae McLean

Scarlett Lillian Melia

John Anthony Messina

Robert John Metz

Carleigh Noelle Meyer

Lara Nicole Meyer

Logan G. Meyer

Cassandra Madison Miller

Christopher Michael Miller

Emily Ann Miller

Kassidy Erin Miller

Margaret Grace Minihane

Nicholas James Mirenda

Thomas J. Misciagno

Teya Rayn Montillo

Dipson Montoya

Ashley Vanesa Morales

Heather May Marie Moran

Kaleigh Summer Munoz

John Carlos Muralles

Giovanni Nicholas Murcott

Aidan J. Murfitt

Joseph Matthew Murphy

Justin Ryan Naurek

Cooper Adam Nedvin

Alexa Grace Nespoli

Jaylan Newkirk

Andrew Michael Nguyen

Luca Roger James Occhiogrosso

Aaron O'Connor

Daniel Patrick Odell

Sean Patrick O'Neill

Paola Jacqueline Ordonez

Jennifer Emily Oritz Gonzales

Olivia Grace Oswald

Elijah Jeremy Owen

Feliz Mary Cosca Patarasa

Rojeim Nathan Patterson

Jack Ryan Paulson

Marissa Catherine Pelo

Ava Maria Pentecoste

Nicholas Robert Pentecoste

Elizabeth Aminta Perez

Miguel Angel Perez III

Krisslyn Perino

Brooke Addison Perry

Nicholas Petrou

Alexander Tyler Pierre

Sophia Gabrielle Pileri

Luke Portal Pires

Gianna Theresa Pollock

Matthew Louis Pompei

Katherine Ann Poole

Jason Francis Pugliese

Rebecca Lynn Quick

Sophie Dawn Rambelle

Gianna Leigh Rando

Jaden Derek Raynor

Matthew J. Raynor

Natalie Elizabeth Reid

Hailey Marie Reilley

Marus El Rivera

Brenden Daniel Robano

Earnest Edward Robinson III

Amiyah Jourdyn Rodriguez

Ava Rose Rodriguez

Ella Rose Rodriguez

Devin Hunter Romano

Hannah Grace Rondinella

Ava Elizabeth Rooney

Paul Robert Rosanti

Alex Louis Ruiz

Henry Patrick Ryan

Karen Elisa Saenz Chicas

Rudy Josue Salmeron Reyes

Desi Gray Santinon

Delanie Rose Satriana

Christopher James Scappatore

Diana Frances Schryver

Scarlett Elisabeth Schupp

Lucas Gregory Scott

Christian Ashton Seebach

Riannon M. Shea

Robert Isaac Sherter

Sarvjeet Singh

Ivan Aleksandrovinch Sintsov

Jessica Lynne Skidmore

Joshua Soler

Samantha Josephine Sorrentino

Danni Rose Sparacio

Hannah Marie Squicciarini

William Isaac Stanton

Nicholas Jason Starr

Alexandra Rose Stefanidis

Luke Donald Stimpson

Kalei Faith Strelecki

Amanda Rae Sweeney

Szam Sy

Cody Thomas Tellez

Marlon Teo

Payton Michael Timoney

Jake Patrick Toscano

Devin Joseph Tropea

Jonathan D. Urbom

Lewrys Eduardo Vargas Escobar

Erick Alejandro Velasco

Yeida Y. Velasquez

Quinlan Ray Venturo

Christopher Erisnel Villarreal

Isabel Villesas Suarez

Julian Brent Vinch

Preston C. Vinch

Ava Victoria Vona

Katarina Aurelia Von Kampen

Shane Richard Von Kampen

Jayden A. Wagner

Jillian Dolores Warsaw

Layla Rose Warsaw

Ayden Stephen Wefer

Dylan Michael Wisniewski

Jamie Lynne Wysocki

Luke Robert Zadrazil

Benjamin Zera

Valedictorian Ryan Lee

Ryan Lee File Photo
Having acquired top ranking in his class, Ryan achieved a 107.77 grade point average. He is a National Merit Semifinalist, an Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction and a member of the English Honor Society, National Honor Society and Tri-M Music Honor Society. Ryan is a scientific powerhouse. His research experience includes work with the Long Island Science Congress, Stony Brook University and Brookhaven National Laboratory, where he has made contributions to the Student Partnerships for Advanced Research and Knowledge (SPARK) protein crystallization collaboration. As a junior, Ryan was awarded The Rensselaer Medal for his accomplishments in math and science.

An avid musician, Ryan plays the clarinet and is a member of the Jr.-Sr. High School marching band. He is also a member of the school’s Honors Wind Ensemble and Jazz Band and plays with the pit orchestra during school musicals. Ryan is also an athlete on the tennis team since ninth grade and is a member of the chess club. He also gives back to his community through volunteer work with the Eastport Bible Church’s Hangtime Program.

With strong academic interests in science and engineering, Ryan will attend Binghamton University’s Scholars Program this coming fall, where he will pursue a major in mechanical engineering.

Ryan’s words of wisdom to the class are to be true to yourself. “There is no one better at being you, than you,” he said.

Salutatorian Layla Warsaw

Layla Warsaw File Photo
Layla achieved a grade point average of 107.69. She is an Advanced Placement Scholar with Distinction and a member of the National Honor Society, World Language Honor Society, Social Studies Honor Society and National English Honor Society, where she holds the office of president. Layla was honored with the New York State Academic Excellence Award and is a winner of the Eastman Young Leaders Award. Her dedication to science has also helped her to achieve the Award of Excellence in STEM, the Science Teachers Association in New York Award and highest honors at the Long Island Science Congress Fair. She was the lead researcher for the publication of her science project, “Novel APO structure of the tRNA (N1G37) Methyltransferase of Mycobacterium marinum” to the protein database at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

Layla has also enriched her educational experience with activities like the Best Buddies program, of which she is treasurer. She is a talented saxophone player, a member of the Tri-M Music Honor Society, a member of the pit orchestra and section leader of the school’s marching band. Additionally, Layla is a scholar-athlete on the tennis team.

Layla will continue to pursue her interests as a biochemist, as a step to a career in cancer research, as she attends Boston University this coming fall.

Layla’s advice to her peers is to always strive to be the best you can be. “If you indulge yourself in the things you love and are passionate about, you can’t go wrong,” she said.

South Shore Press
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